Grilled Blackened Steak

Grilled Blackened Steak

1. Select a Great Steak
Choose a steak with a high amount of marbling that is at least an inch thick. Great steaks for grilling include strips, ribeyes, and filets.

2. Set Meat Out & Season
Pull your steaks out of the fridge 20-25 minutes prior to grilling and season liberally with St. Elmo Blackened Seasoning. Steaks closer to room temperature will cook more evenly and create better grill marks.

3. Get the Grill Hot
Most grills need to preheat for at least 10-15 minutes. A hot grill is necessary to sear in the juices in the first few minutes of grilling. Once the grill is hot, adjust the heat to your desired temperature to avoid charring.

4. Only Touch the Steak Four Times
Place the steak on the grill at a 45-degree angle. Halfway through grilling the first side, rotate it 45 degrees to create diamond grill marks. Once finished grilling on that side, turn it over and repeat process.

5. Let it Rest & Enjoy!
After grilling to your desired temperature, plate the meat and allow it to rest for at least 3 minutes before serving. This will allow the juices to settle in, resulting in a juicier and tastier steak. And now it’s time to enjoy!

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